Words from our Governors 

Wendy Sharp 

Chair of Governors 

I have spent my entire working life in education. I love school life and have been privileged to teach, manage and lead in many schools in Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City and until a few years ago serving as Headteacher in two Derbyshire Schools.

Born and raised in a loving, working class family, my parents encouraged me to work hard, aim high and to seek a life that was less hindered by poverty than theirs had been.

I firmly believe that education helps all children and adults to lead more fulfilling lives and increases their chances of earning a good living.

Though retired I cherish the opportunity to work with all the staff at Leys Junior School and Copthorne Community Infant School to ensure that each and every child has every reasonable opportunity to succeed in life.

I am blessed with six grandchildren, ranging in ages from 3 to 13. And my interest in education is more than academic. I am privileged to work alongside several other committed governors. Together we seek to ensure the very best for both school communities.

Wendy Sharp

 Gill O'Hagan

Vice Chair

I first became a Community Governor at Copthorne Community Infant School when my 2 daughters attended the school. I live locally and have valued being involved with the school. I have continued to support the school through its journey for the past 25 years. 

We have recently entered a new exciting phase of Federating with Leys Junior School. Our two schools operate individually but now have one Governing Body to ensure a consistent overview.

Until retirement I was a secondary teacher and my life long passion has been to try and offer the best educational paths for all children and adults. As a Governor I am committed to seeking new opportunities for our children and using my knowledge and experience to help move the Unity Federation forward.  

Gill O'Hagan

Luisa Hopkinson 

Authority Governor

I'm Luisa and have recently become the Local Authority Governor. I have children at both schools in the Federation.
I am an educator myself and am passionate about learning for life. I believe school should be exciting and inspiring and lead us into our adult lives as capable and resilient people who love learning to move ahead with our chosen path.
This can never begin too soon, and primary schooling is the foundation for the future so it is vital that we get it right.
There is no better feeling than watching those 'lightbulb' moments with your students be they 5 or 75 and I hope my experience of working with older students can support the Primary Teachers and Leadership to ensure we are preparing our future generations in the best possible way we can.
Luisa Hopkinson

 Nicola Bettison

Co-opted Governor

I have been a Parent Governor at Leys Junior School for around seven years.

Having three children I wanted to be involved with the school they attend and hopefully challenge and help the school move forward.

I live and work part-time locally in Early Years and I am also a fully trained and experienced Outdoor Learning Practitioner. My experience with children ranges from Early Years to Secondary Education, with children of all abilities including S.E.N, so this as well as outdoor learning is a great interest to me.

                                                                                                                     Nicola Bettison

Lynne Greenhough

Co-opted Governor

I have been involved in education throughout my working life, beginning my teaching career in London, and moving to Derbyshire in 1982, where I have been teaching in primary schools in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire since that time, with the last 16 years as a Headteacher, before my retirement four years ago.  

I hold a Doctorate in Education and remain very much involved in supporting schools; I am now a tutor and assessor for National Professional Qualifications for school leaders and my role as a grandma of two grandchildren, who both attend local schools, keeps me up-to -date with every aspect of daily school life.  

 I am committed to supporting the Unity Federation in providing the best possible learning opportunities and experiences, so that all our children can be healthy, happy and successful as they go through their primary years. 

Lynne Greenhough



Staff Governor


 James Scholes

Parent Governor

 I have been a parent governor since my eldest daughter started at Copthorne Infant School.

My work involves developing ways to understand large amounts of information, which enables me to come up with effective solutions to complex problems, and bring a data-driven perspective in my role as governor.
As the father of three children, I try to encourage them in everything they do, and I relish the opportunity to support the staff as they work to give all the children the best possible education.
                                                                                                   James Scholes

Eleanor Hughes

Parent Governor

 I first became a Parent Governor at Copthorne Community Infant School over a year ago. Both my children thoroughly enjoy attending Unity Federation Schools and I became a parent governor with the aim of supporting both Leys Junior and Copthorne Community Infant school in any way I can. 

Before becoming a mum, I spent over 15 years in Primary education in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and also Stoke On Trent, as a class teacher, SENCO, subject and phase leader and lastly as an Assistant Headteacher.

It is a privilege to be able to join the other members of the Governing body in ensuring that all our children receive the very best opportunities throughout their school journey, and to ensure that success is celebrated and also accompanied by a relentless drive for improvement.

Eleanor Hughes


